Monday, July 6, 2015

Moving On

Dear Friends,

As you may have noticed, this blog has been silent for over a year.  The reasons were twofold: new absurdities and outrages were coming faster than I could keep up with them, and I was worried about becoming more of a weeper than a reader.  T.S. Eliot warned about one of the consequences of aging:

"The conscious rage of impotence at human folly/And the laceration of laughter at what ceases to amuse."

Not wanting to be a full-time curmudgeon, I stopped writing.  But as the great folk-singer Tom Paxton observed, things just keep happening that demand protest and satire.  So here's the deal: is now a Diary on the Daily Kos ( where it joins a world of political commentary.  This site will soon be renamed and reorganized as a broader commentary on literature and society, with more accent on solutions, celebrations, and general observations.

So if you want to stick around, you can choose the bitter, the sweeter, or both.

Hope to hear from you.
